Alarm systems
Guest Book

We offer our customers complete maintenance of their generators, alarm/CCTV systems or just a complete check-up on your electrical system, for a very reasonable charge. Wouldn't you feel better having a licensed and insured electrician performing your maintenance needs so you could spend your off time with your family, instead of performing any maintenance that you need to do on a set basis?

Primarily generators and larger electrical systems require an annual maintenance to insure proper operation. Generators of course need oil changes, new filters and unless you have a system like we offer that starts itself for a self operation and check on a weekly basis, should be started and tested at least every six months. Some of your larger electrical systems have grease on the buss bars to assist with keeping them from corroding and we recommend that the grease be removed and new grease put in its place at least every 5-10 years. If this is not done you risk the chance of your buss bars still corroding and going bad due to this.

We also suggest that all your electrical connections be checked to make sure that they remain tight, as a loose electrical connection will cause arcing of the electricity from the wire to the device it is connected. This is also a huge fire hazard and can cause a fire to start and cause major destruction.

This service is offered at a very reasonable price, especially if you compare it to the safety of your family and self.